State Grange
Committee Directors:
Roland Giguere (413-475-0520) - rolandgig@gmail.com
Karlena Henry (413-325-5192) - karlenah19@gmail.com
Committee Members:
Lillian Gigere
Justine Lovely (508-667-7876) - soxfan1427@yahoo.com
Laurie Alden (744-766-0946) - lblalden@yahoo.com
Sandra Jefferson (508-866-7845) - smgsandrajefferson67@aol.com
The Massachusetts State Grange Youth Association is designed to provide leadership training and life skills training opportunities. There are only two programs that are age specific; all programs are open to all Grange members regardless of age.The goals of the Massachusetts State Grange Youth Association include providing leadership training through a variety of opportunities such as: Regional Conferences, Ambassador Program, John Trimble Legislative Experience, Mentoring Programs and The National Convention, just to name a few. Individual life skills are developed through the Achievement Award Program which offers opportunities for exploration in public speaking, communication (Sign-A-Song and Foreign Language), critical thinking, mentoring, and career exploration.
Those who desire to learn more about our organization can build pride and knowledge through our bi-monthly meetings and Youth Leadership Training School in the summer.
State Events and Competitions
Public Speaking Contest
Sign-A-Song Contest
Bowling Contest​
State Youth Ambassador Program
Outstanding Young Adult
Outstanding Granger
Young Couple
Mr. and Mrs. Grange
Most Creative Youth Night Program
Massachusetts State Grange Mentor Program
National Grange Programs