State Grange
Secretary Information
Secretary Duties
Grange Secretaries serve the important role of keeping the records of their Grange and communicating with the Grange’s members and with other Granges. This page contains information and resources for Grange secretaries.
If you have questions regarding any of the information listed below or need assistance with fulfilling your duties as a Grange Secretary, please contact the State Grange Secretary.
Secretary: Lisa Johnson (978-423-3340) - secretary@massgrange.org
Subordinate Granges
Quarterly Reports
All Quarterly reports are due at the close of each quarter (September 30, December 31, March 31 and June 30). The Grange President or next ranking officer, as well as the Grange Executive Committee or Secretary must sign reports, and the Grange seal must be affixed to the report.
Subordinate Secretary Quarterly Report Form - for printing
Subordinate Secretary Quarterly Report Form - fillable electronically
Subordinate Secretary Quarterly Report Instructions
Report mailed at the end of the quarter to State Secretary​
Subordinate Executive Committee Report Form
Subordinate Executive Committee Report Instructions
Report mailed at the end of the year to the State Treasurer​
Subordinate Secretary Quarterly Report to Pomona - for printing
Subordinate Secretary Quarterly Report to Pomona - fillable electronically
Report mailed at the end of the quarter to your Pomona Secretary
Membership Recognition
Subordinate Secretaries should review their membership records at least twice a year and “Applications for Membership Recognition” should be sent to the State Secretary. Grange members deserve recognition for their service to the Grange in a timely manner.
Note: The National Grange will not issue certifications more than 90 days ahead of the anniversary date. The only exceptions are illness or relocation and requests for early issuance must be made in writing and attached to Form M.
Golden Sheaf Certificate (50 year), Diamond Certificate (75 years) and 80 or 85+ year letters:
The Veteran’s Jewel is available from the State Secretary and is for 50 or more years of continuous membership in Massachusetts Granges. To order a Veteran’s Jewel, use this form:
Non-Consecutive Membership Recognition Application (25 years or more):
Membership Applications & Demit Cards
Pomona Granges
Annual Reports
All Annual reports are due at the close of the year (June 30). The Grange President or next ranking officer, as well as the Grange Executive Committee or Secretary must sign reports, and the Grange seal must be affixed to the report.
Pomona Secretary Annual Report Form - for printing
Pomona Secretary Annual Report Form - fillable electronically
Pomona Executive Committee Report Form
Pomona Executive Committee Report Instructions
Report mailed at the end of the year to the State Treasurer
Membership Applications & Demit Cards
Junior Granges
Quarterly Reports
All Quarterly reports are due at the close of each quarter (September 30, December 31, March 31 and June 30). The Grange President or next ranking officer, as well as the Grange Executive Committee or Secretary must sign reports, and the Grange seal must be affixed to the report.
Junior Grange Annual Report Form - for printing
Junior Grange Annual Report Form - fillable electronically
Report mailed at the end of the year to the State Secretary
Junior Grange Report to the State President
This report must be forwarded to the State President no later one month after the close of the six months ending June 30 and December 31.
Information and Materials for All Grange Secretaries
IRS and Massachusetts Filing Requirements
Granges are required to file a 990-N (ePostcard) each year with the IRS to maintain the Grange’s tax exempt status. Instructions can be found IRS and Massachusetts Filing Requirements here.
Granges that are incorporated with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are required to file an annual report with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The form can be found here.
Records (Secretary and Treasurer)
Records of meetings are permanent and must be recorded in a suitable record book. Treasurer’s records are also permanent and must be kept in a suitable book. Secretary and Treasurer books are available from National Grange or any office supply/stationery store. Please note that notepads or spiral-bound notebooks are not permanent. If the records are typed or computer generated, accumulate several years and then bind the pages. Always use permanent black ink.
Open all letters and envelopes when received and advise the Grange President or appropriate committee if immediate action is needed between meetings. When requests for information or questionnaires are received from the State or National Grange, please complete and return the information immediately, thus enabling the State and National Grange to operate in an efficient manner.
Resolutions are due on or before August 1st. Please use one sheet of paper per resolution and title each resolution. Send the resolution to the State Secretary as an e-mail attachment. Any Secretary who does not have access to a computer may still send a paper copy of the resolution to the State Secretary.
Annual Word
The key and cipher for the Annual Word will be sent to each Subordinate Secretary and Junior Leader upon receipt of the December quarterly report and dues, plus any outstanding quarters. Pomona Secretaries will receive both the key and cipher in late December as their annual report and dues are scheduled to be sent in for June 30 of that year.
The Massachusetts State Grange Directory is the property of the State Grange, subsequently no one may use the directory for solicitation purposes, financial, or political use without the express permission of the State Grange Executive Committee. Directory update forms are mailed in June and must be returned by July 15. The Secretary of the Massachusetts State Grange maintains a mailing list of all members and will annually send a list to each Subordinate Grange. Subordinate Secretaries should update the mailing list and promptly return it to the State Secretary. Address and name changes can be submitted at any time to the State Secretary. Please complete and immediately return all directory/mailing list updates for your Grange.
All Secretary materials are distributed at the State Session in October and are given to your delegate or your deputy if a delegate is not present at Session. If you do not receive the packet within a month of the State Session, contact either your delegate or your deputy. Manuals, Digests, record books, and other supplies are available from National Grange. Contact the National Grange, 1616 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006-4999 or call (888) 447-2643 or on the internet www.nationalgrange.org for a price list. Some supplies are also available through the State Secretary’s office. An order form is included in the packet from State Session or can be found here.
Some Supplies and promotional materials can also be purchased from Monroe Classic, Inc. at http://www.promoplace.com/grange or http://www.monroeclassic.com Contact Mike Warner at Monroe classic with any questions 1-800-868-2330 or email mike@monroeclassic.com
Checks Payable to Massachusetts State Grange
All checks must be payable to the Massachusetts State Grange and earmarked to where the donation or payment is to be credited. Send all checks to the State Secretary EXCEPT your Grange’s donation to the Massachusetts State Grange Educational Aid Fund. Checks to the Educational Aid Fund are to be sent to the Fund Secretary.