State Grange
Home & Community Service
If you have any questions regarding the programs and contests listed below, please contact a member of the Home and Community Service Committee:
Committee Directors:
Theresa Kenney (978-618-0676) – tkenney2023@gmail.com
Committee Members:
Miriam Caldwell (603-503-5946) - mfcaldwell49@yahoo.com
Pamela Gale (978-575-0220) - cgale@mass.rr.com
Susan LaFleur (508-295-8908) - sash48@comcast.net
Ruth Leahey (413-665-3108) - reftinker@comcast.net
2025 Grange Recognition Award
Community Service Report - for printing​
Community Service Report - fillable electronically
Hearing Aid Fund:
The Hearing Aid Fund was established in order to assist Subordinate and Junior members with the cost of their hearing aids. All applications for reimbursement must be received no later than August 15 and will be processed for payment in September of each year. View this document for further information.
Northeast Needlework Contest
See the document for the rules and categories for the Northeast Needlework Contest.
Contest will be judged in four age groups. Age is determined as of January 1st of the current year.
Group A: Ages 5-8 (Junior Contest)
Group B: Ages 9-13 (Junior Contest)
Group C: Ages 14-19 (Adult Contest)
Group D: Ages 20 and over (Adult Contest)
*Junior members over 13 are eligible to enter the Junior contest in Group B
Official Entry Form and Identification Label Baking Contest
Group (with birth date for Groups A-C) ________________
Name ______________________________________
Street ______________________________________
City __________________ State ____ Zip _______
Grange Member _________ Non-member _________
Entered through Grange # ______________________
Each entry must have an Official Entry Form and Identification Label attached to the bottom.​
This contest is open to both Grange members and non-members. This excludes State H&CS members from entering.
The contest location, date, and time to be announced.
No package mixes allowed.
Each entry must include the recipe used, highlighting any local ingredients used.
Please send or bring your items to be judged in disposable containers or on a disposable plate covered with a plastic bag or wrap.
All items will be auctioned off at the end of the contest unless otherwise requested.
All proceeds from the auction will be donated to Grange projects.
Contestants permit the MA State Grange to use photos, name, and recipe for publicity.
The judges’ decision is final.
Cash prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each class and category.
A contestant may enter only ONE ITEM PER CLASS
BAKE-OFF 2025:
1. Dump Cake (frosted or decorated)
2. Imposter Cake (a cake that looks like something else)
1. Fruit Filled Frosted Toaster Pastry
State Needlework Contest will be judged in three age groups. Age is determined as of January 1st of the current year.
Group A: Ages 5-8 (Junior Contest)
Group B: Ages 9-13 (Junior Contest)
Group C: Ages 14 and over (Adult Contest)
*Junior members over 13 are eligible to enter the Junior contest in Group B
Grange members and non-members may enter. This excludes State H&CS members from entering.
Professional needlework designers or teachers or anyone earning their living in a needlework related field may not enter.
Asterisk (*) denotes items for New England Needlework Contest at the Big E. The first-place winners in these categories will be going to Regional Judging and displayed in the New England Grange Building during the Big E.
The New England Needlework Contest Categories and Rules are subject to change yearly. Contact a committee member for a copy of the latest contest brochure (should be available at State Session).
Size requirements (if any) will be provided in the New England Needlework Contest Brochure.
A contestant may submit as many entries as have fulfilled the following requirements but may enter only ONE ITEM PER CLASS.
Work must be entirely that of the contestant.
Entries must have been completed within the contest year (August 1-July 31).
Each entry must have a completed Official Entry Form and Identification Label that corresponds with the contest and attached as indicated.
Judging will take place in August or September. Date and location to be announced.
Contestants permit the MA State Grange to use photos and names for publicity.
The judges’ decision is final.
Cash prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each class or category.
First place winning entries in the New England Needlework Contest will go on to the Big E and will not be returned until the end of State Grange Session.
A Best of Show will be selected by the Judges and sent to the National Grange for display at the National Convention. This entry will not be returned until after the National Convention.
Official Entry Form and Identification Label Needlework Contest
Class ______________________________________
Name ______________________________________
Street ______________________________________
City __________________ State ____ Zip _______
Grange Member _________ Non-member _________
Entered through Grange # ______________________
I hereby certify that this article fulfills all requirements
Outlined in the Official Rules of the Contest.
*AFGHAN: An afghan may be made using any yarn product. It can be any pattern and it may be knitted, crocheted, woven, etc. (Min. width 45 inches and max 60 inches Min. length 60 inches and max 75 inches.
*DOILIES: May be knitted, crocheted, or tatted. May use any thread suitable to article. May be any pattern or design (Max. size 18x18 inches).
*EMBROIDERY: Any embroidered item except counted Cross Stitch. Any embroidery thread may be used. (Back of work must be visible.)
*3 PIECE BABY SET: May consist of a sweater plus, booties, skirt, mittens, or pants to make a 3-piece suit. May be knitted or crocheted using any suitable pattern and product
*PLASTIC CANVAS: Any item made with any pattern using yarn or thread.
*COUNTED CROSS STITCH: Any item using any thread product. NOTE: The back of the work MUST be seen on all embroidered pieces. Pictures may be on stretcher strips or may be framed and/or matted, BUT NO GLASS.
*ADULT GARMENT: Entry may be knitted or crocheted using any pattern and any suitable product. A garment is something worn on the body, sweater, dress, cape, poncho, vest, etc. Items not covered in this class, such as hats/caps, mittens/gloves, scarves, socks, collar, belt, etc., are considered accessories.
*LATCH HOOK: Any item made with any pattern, using any yarn. The width must be a min of 18 inches and max of 24 inches and with a max length of 45 inches. Project must be finished (including back). If a project is to be hung, it must have a sleeve on the back for hanging.
*QUILTED WALL HANGING: Piece may be hand or machine quilted, no bigger than 36x36 inches and any product may be used for filler. If it is to be hung, add a sleeve on the back.
*STUFFED TOY: Toy may be knitted, crocheted, stitched, etc. May be stuffed with any product (i.e. fiber-fills). Toys must be child safe.
*BABY AFGHAN: Baby afghans may be knitted, crocheted, woven, etc. and must appear suitable for a baby - choice of color, selection of yarn product, etc. suitable for a baby. Max size 35x40 inches.
*CHILD OR ADULT GARMENT SEWN: Entry must be a sewn garment for a child or adult using your own design or a pattern and use a suitable product for age. Must be completely finished and must state size. A garment is something worn on the body (i.e. jacket, dress, skirt, slacks, shirt, cape, poncho, or vest.)
Misc., Others: Any other needlework not included in above categories.
Craft Contest
*One teacup and one saucer. Teacup does NOT have to be glued to the saucer. Any design is permitted. Each state sends the first-place winner only to the NEGB.
Official Entry Form and Identification Label State Craft Contest
Group (with birth date for Groups A-B) ___________________
Name ______________________________________
Street ______________________________________
City __________________ State ____ Zip _______
Grange Member _________ Non-member _________
Entered through ________________ Grange # ______
1. Coasters (set of 4)
2. Cutting Board, no larger than 11" X 9"
1. Bird Seed Ornaments
Through community service, a Grange becomes a relevant, caring and involved part of its community. Community Service is an important part of our Vision for the Grange. Grange members, working together to meet a community need, make their community a better place to work and live, while strengthening the Grange itself. Every Grange has projects that they carry out to benefit their community. The Goal for 2024-2025 is for each Grange to review the needs of its community and to select one or more projects that will help meet the identified needs.
All Granges are asked to report projects they have undertaken and success they have achieved. Report forms and details will be mailed to each Grange with September 15th as the deadline to return the completed reports. The First Prize will be $100; Second Prize will be $75; Third Prize will be $50; and Fourth Prize will be $25. The prize money is made available by the National Grange.
Reports should include, but are not restricted to, the following details:
Information for one year (Sept. 1 – Aug. 31)
How and why was the project(s) selected?
What was the project(s) and the success achieved?
How did the Community benefit from the project(s)?
How many Grange members participated in the project(s)?
Volunteer hours by Grange members.
How did other organizations or non-Granger’s work on your project(s)?
How did your Grange gain visibility through this project (publicity)?
Sum of donations made to the community.
Sum of donations made to Grange appeals.