State Grange
Grange Info Documents
Program Handbook
The Program Handbook contains guidelines and information for the activities and contents of the various departments of the State Grange. Details by department can be found on the individual department’s page under the “Grange Departments” menu on this website. Questions on any program outlined in the Handbook should be directed to the Director of the department which oversees the program.
Applications for Membership
State Grange Constitution and By-Laws
This document contains the Constitution and By-Laws of the Massachusetts State Grange and the Constitution of the Pomona, Subordinate and Junior Granges within the state. This is the governing document of the State Grange.
Distinguished Grange Award
The Distinguished Grange Award Program honors Subordinate Granges that fulfill their responsibilities as part of the National Grange, while excelling in areas of membership, fundraising and service to their communities. This document provides the guidelines and application for this program. Questions on this Program should be directed to the State Grange President.
Grange Bills and Expenses
The Bill Paying Policy outlines the guidelines and process for paying State Grange bills. Questions about this policy or process should be directed to the State Grange President or Treasurer.
The payment voucher form is used to request reimbursement for expenses incurred in the name of the State Grange and to request checks for the payment of State Grange bills.
The printable Payment Voucher can be downloaded and printed to be completed on paper.
The electronic Payment Voucher can be filled in on your computer using Microsoft Excel.
Activity Request and CORI Forms
The Activity Request form must be completed by the department director for any activity conducted by the State Grange.
The CORI check must be completed for each individual who will work with Junior or youth members on behalf of the State Grange or any Junior Grange within the state.
The minor release form must be completed by parent/legal guardian in order for photos and information of minor children to be used in State Grange publicity.
Grange Hall Grant and Loan Programs
The Grange Hall Grant Program and Loan Program have been established by the State Grange to assist Granges with renovations and significant maintenance projects for their Grange Halls. Questions on these programs can be directed to any member of the Executive Committee.
The Grange Hall Grant Program document contain guidelines and an application for participation in this program.
The Grange Hall Loan Program document contains guidelines for applying for this loan.
Virtual Attendance Policy
The Virtual Attendance Policy applies to subordinate/community granges in regards to how virtual meetings can be conducted.
Opportunity Grant
The purpose of the Opportunity Grant Program is to assist Subordinate and Pomona Granges with funding to implement and conduct projects or programs that increase the viability and visibility of the Grange in the community(s) the Grange serves.
Agriculture Education Grant
The purpose of the Agriculture Education Grant Program is to assist Subordinate and Pomona Granges with funding to implement and conduct projects or programs that promote agriculture education in the community(s) that Grange serves.
Social Media Presentation from State Session
This is the social media presentation that was presented at the 2022 annual state session.