State Grange
State Grange Annual Meeting
The 153rd annual Session of the Massachusetts State Grange will be held October 30 - November 2, 2025 at the Devens Common Center, Devens, MA.
The 154th annual Session of the Massachusetts State Grange will be held October 29 - November 1, 2026 at the Devens Common Center, Devens, MA.
We are all getting excited about our upcoming Annual State Session in October, and we hope that you are too. It is a wonderful time for Grangers from across the state to come together in community to do some business and have some fun. Taking care of important business, experiencing treasured rituals, making new friends while catching up with old friends and building excitement about being a Grange member are the current goals.
We want to make the most of this event and so we are asking for your input. It is so important to hear from you on how we can make State Session a memorable event for all in our Grange Community. Although plans are already in place for this year’s event, we welcome your constructive feedback as it is critical for shaping this event in the future.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in October!
Click here to fill out a quick survey about State Session.
Get ready for Grange Spirit Night! Order one of our new clothing items with our new logo here!
Session Credential
Session Non-Delegate