State Grange
Agriculture and Environment
If you have any questions regarding the programs and contests listed below, please contact a member of the Agriculture and the Environment Committee:
Committee Directors:
Matthew Johnson (978-423-3324) - mattjohnson9@verizon.net
Kathleen Peterson (508-829-2743) - kathpetrsn@aol.com
Committee Members:
Scott Davis (508-886-6668) - daisyacre@verizon.net
Ann Prest (978-948-8130) - aprest12@gmail.com
Jessica Goodfield (978-729-6183) - jess.goodfield@gmail.com
Commissioner for Conservation of Soil, Water & Related Resources:
Warren Chamberlain (508-494-5724) - w1uir@aol.com
Fairs Coordinator:
Kathleen Peterson (508-829-2743) - kathpetrsn@aol.com
The Massachusetts State Grange has developed partnerships with organizations sharing our similar values and principles. These organizations promote agriculture education and concern for the environment through programs and contests. For contact information, please contact the Agriculture and the Environment Committee Co-Directors. Current partnerships include:
Massachusetts 4-H
Massachusetts FFA Association
Massachusetts Agriculture in the Classroom
UMass Pollinator and Food Gardens
UMass CAFE Summer Scholars Program
Massachusetts Envirothon
UMass Student Farming Enterprise
The Massachusetts State Grange provides grants to local Granges across the Commonwealth to implement and conduct programs that promote agriculture education in their local communities. Guidelines will be available on the Massachusetts State Grange website or from any member of the Committee.
A. State Grange Agriculture Innovator
This award is for an individual who is actively engaged in farming, gardening, agricultural enterprise, or rural development large or small scale such as: a Christmas tree farm, fruit grower, dairy farmer, beekeeper, aquaculture, ag education, etc.
Open to any person, of any age.
There will be one winner selected and announced at the State Grange session.
Nominations must be made in writing by a Grange member in good standing and include involvement in:
​Community Service - involvement with projects towards the betterment of the community. The nominee may have worked through the Grange or another organization.
Personal Achievement - Awards or honors they received through the Grange or other organizations; personal fulfillment from being a member of the Grange and/or involvement in other activities.
Deadline for nominations is September 15th.
Award: Winners will be announced at State Grange session.
B. Agriculture/Environment Speech Competition
Age Groups:
The subject of the speech MUST be an agricultural or environmental topic.
This contest is also open to 4H and FFA members
Time limit is 3-5 minutes. An impromptu question on the speaker’s subject will also be asked at the end of the speech by a judge
The contestant must provide three copies of an outline of their speech two weeks prior to the contest. Copies must be sent to the Agriculture and Environment Committee Co-Directors
Appropriately sized visual aids are allowed
Prizes for each age group will be 1st-$100, 2nd-$75, 3rd-$50
Contest will be held in conjunction with the State Grange Extravaganza
This is a state contest only
C. Junior Visual Presentation
All Juniors ages 5- 14 are eligible to compete.
The subject of the presentation MUST be an agricultural or environmental topic.
Visual materials (posters, power points, etc.) to be included and will be judged as part of the presentation
Contestant name and topic must be sent to the Agriculture and Environment Committee Co-Directors two weeks prior to the contest
Time limit is 3-5 minutes. An impromptu question on the speaker’s subject will also be asked at the end of the presentation by a judge
Prizes for each age group: 1st-$40, 2nd-$20, 3rd-$10
Contest will be held in conjunction with the State Grange Extravaganza
This is a state contest only
D. Agriculture and the Environment Program/Activity Report
This contest will be for Granges to enter who have held an activity/program that includes one of the partners listed in this section of the Program Book
The contest year will be considered as September 1st – August 31st
Each Grange will be limited to one entry per contest year
Reports should include but not be limited to:
What steps were taken in the planning
Which partner/partners were included
What was the total attendance. Members. Visitors. Community.
What sort of publicity was used.
Deadline for report entries is September 15th
Winners will be announced at State Session
E. Honorary State Session Delegate
The Honorary State Session Delegate will provide opportunities for a State FFA representative and a 4-H Ambassador with an interest in the legislative aspect of the Massachusetts State Grange to see the inner workings of committees and the grassroots legislative policy development effort at the Massachusetts State Grange session.
Each youth will serve on one of the session committees reviewing resolutions. Participants will watch the delegate body act on resolutions and other aspects of the session. Full participation as befits a delegate is strongly encouraged.
An individual may participate in the program a maximum of one time.
As guests of the Massachusetts State Grange, room cost will be paid for the participant, plus one parent/legal guardian if required due to age requirements. Tickets to scheduled banquets/meals will also be provided.
Transportation will be the participant’s own responsibility.
Applications must be submitted to the Agriculture and the Environment Director(s). Applications will be reviewed by the Agriculture and the Environment Committee and the State Executive Committee in making the selection of participants.
Please include letters of recommendation from your Chapter/Club Director.
Applications can be obtained from the Agriculture and Environment Committee Director(s) or from the State Grange website.
Honorary Delegates will be assigned a mentor from the State Grange to assist and guide the participants during the session.
Participants will be expected to attend all aspects of the session except for those activities which require full membership.
Any participant who fails to comply with the guidelines will be expected to pay their own expenses.
The deadline for application submission will be August 1st.
Grange Fairs and Ribbons
Granges are encouraged to have Grange fairs. If a Grange would like help in starting a fair, please contact the Agriculture and Environment Committee.
Grange ribbons are available from the Fair Coordinator.